Free Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool

Words: ${wordCount}

Sentences: ${sentenceCount}

Paragraphs: ${paragraphCount}

Reading Level: ${readingLevel}

Reading Time: ${readingTime} minutes

Speaking Time: ${speakingTime} minutes

`; document.getElementById('wordCount').innerHTML = result; } function calculateReadingLevel(words, sentences) { var wordsPerSentence = words / sentences; return wordsPerSentence <= 10 ? "Easy" : wordsPerSentence <= 20 ? "Moderate" : "Difficult"; } function calculateReadingTime(words) { var minutes = words / 200; // Assuming an average reading speed of 200 words per minute return Math.ceil(minutes); } function calculateSpeakingTime(words) { var minutes = words / 150; // Assuming an average speaking speed of 150 words per minute return Math.ceil(minutes); }

Word Count Tool

What is WordCounter?
WordCounter is a tool that helps you with your writing. It does more than just count words and characters. It can also suggest better word choices and writing styles. It can even help you find grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To use it, just type or paste your text into the box on the website. As you type, delete, or edit, you'll see the number of characters and words change. It also saves your work automatically, so you won't lose anything if you leave and come back later.

Why is word count important? Well, sometimes you need to write a certain number of words for something like an article, essay, report, story, or book. WordCounter helps you meet that requirement or stay within a certain limit.

It also shows you the top 10 keywords and how often you use them. This helps you avoid using the same words too much and see if your keywords are spread out well.

WordCounter also tells you how long it will take to speak and read your text. It also gives you an idea of how hard your writing might be for someone to understand.

But remember, while we try to make WordCounter accurate, we can't guarantee it's always perfect.

Word Count Tool